Sukkari Life

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Cairo, this multicultural city, with the site of the pyramids that is sure to get you feeling elevated. Having a taste of an ancient civilization and then going back to the hectic city with its vibrant culture and tired, but energetic loving people. 

Now I understand why so many are crazy about this place. It's hard to explain, you can only see it in the air and feel it while walking down the streets, you don't feel alone and you're definitely not invisible.

The air is polluted, giving the city a filter you can't change. Despite the pollution and the cars honking at anything and everything, I couldn't help but fall in love with this city. The sun shining in the sky with no competition, you're sure to get a tan. The feel of the city and her historic buildings and metro stations, it felt like an abandoned European city, but the people never left her. 

I mean, how could they?

When all the memories she implemented in them. With her giving nature. The earth is fertile and the Nile long enough to nourish all the lands. And I wondered how their oranges were exceptionally sweet and juicy. 

There's something in Cairo made me feel at home when each building I saw and each face was new to me. Maybe it's the hearty music or the food aroma in every corner coming out of a local bakery making a batch of fresh aish baladi and then it gets carried on top of a biker's head delivering it to lucky taste buds. Maybe it's the people with their friendly nature, welcoming you to their country and their days. Perhaps it's the old buildings with the colorful clothes and carpets hanging on balconies and rooftops. If you look hard enough, you might spot a camel, a goat, or a cow there too. It's Egypt after all. 

People here are extremely sociable, they befriend you and start to joke around with you the minute they meet you. Trust me, I'm not exaggerating here. In the Middle East, Egyptians are known for their great sense of humor and oh did they crack me up. However, salespeople will try to take as much money as they can from you. So, bargain bargain bargain! A lady tried to sell a painting for me for 1,000 EP but I took it for 100 EP. Biggest tip? Act uninterested and be willing to walk away.

Moving from the city to the beach, I visited Sharm El Sheikh, and oh I was shocked. The water is 100% clear. I could see the fish swimming with me! The sky is clear and there's no fear of a rainy day. It's somewhat dry so I should've brought more lotion with me, but oh well. The resorts are prettier than the photos and so damn cheap.

I was shocked at the poor conditions of this neighboring country. I knew they were struggling, but I didn't know it was this bad. However, with all the issues going on in the country at the moment, it's still, wondrous Egypt. I do believe and hope that this country will soon come back to its glory with the help of its strong and passionate people.