Sukkari Life

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I went to the farmers market this Sunday, it was a beautiful day, and I was looking forward to it all week! The farmers market here in Brighton, NY has a lot of local vendors and a lot of varieties, from veggies, honey, flowers, plants, compost companies, chocolate, and fresh eggs. I talked to one of the guys at Impact Earth, a composting organization, and after telling him that I'm from Saudi Arabia, and looking to do something similar there, he told me that there is a zero waste city in the Middle East, but he couldn't remember the name. I was amazed, and though that it is probably in the UAE, but he told me that he thought it was Saudi Arabia. When I got home, I started doing some digging and found out that there is actually two, I wouldn't say city but semi cities in the Middle East that are heading towards a zero waste and no or minimal carbon footprint. The first one is KAUST, Saudi Arabia. I'd say KAUST is somewhere between a green campus and a specialized city. The second is Masdar, UAE. Zero carbon and zero waste. This means it'll be a car-free city, but it will have its own environmentally friendly transportation system. Biking and walking are going to be highly encouraged when possible, but I'd think due to the hot weather, they had to have a fast and air-conditioned transportation option.

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I'm such a sucker for flowers..


Cooking Tip: After coming back from the farmers market, I usually wash everything and start baking what my oven can take, boil/steam green beans and broccoli. Then store everything in glass containers. I keep everything else I didn't cook clean in the fridge so I can cook it quickly when I can and not get lazy.


When your fridge is full of veggies that are ready to eat, you'll be more likely to eat them and add them to your dishes before they go bad.