Sukkari Life

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Cacao Tahini Rawnola

IMG_0520.jpg Rawnola is my new favorite thing to eat and make. I call it crack, as it is so fucking addictive. This cacao rawnola is currently my favorite. I mean it's chocolate, tahini, and dates. The perfect combination. Also, I wanted to create a recipe where the main ingredients are ones I can get locally in Saudi Arabia.


I think we can say that tahini made its way around the world. If you're not very familiar with tahini, then you should know that it's basically just ground up sesame seeds. You can find it at health food stores or any Middle Eastern store. The tahini you find in the store is different than "tahini sauce" you get with your falafels.


Tahini is as underrated "health food" it's a great source of vitamin E and other B vitamins. It's also a great source of calcium your body can actually absorb as opposite to dairy. You can simply enjoy it with dates as we do here in the Middle East.  If you're not a sweets person then just mix it with some herbs and lemon and you've got a salad dressing.

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Cacao Tahini Rawnola


  • 1 cup packed pitted sukkari dates (or any gooey dates)
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup buckwheat groats optional
  • 2 tbsp cacao powder
  • 1/4 cup tahini


  1. Process the dates in a food processor for 15 seconds or so
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and process for about 10 minutes
  3. It will take a while but wait until it forms crumbles with a dough consistency
  4. Enjoy on top of your nice-creams, with almond milk, with fruits, or just by itself

Note: you can also form it into balls or cookies for easier consumption.