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Mindful Consumption استهلاك بتفكير

Last month I worked with KOOOT to publish the article Mindfull Consumption on their website. KOOOT is a new website made by Arab women for Arab women. It will be offering online shopping for international brands that are not yet available in the Middle East. The website also offers articles written in English and Arabic on topics focusing on style, work, home, motherhood, and "between us".

What I love about this new community is that it is offered in English and Arabic. A much needed area in the Arab world. It focuses on educating and entertaining topics that will you enjoy while improving your life.

Please, no more waste. I know that can be challenging in countries that don't recycle, but we can all reuse! So go check out my article Mindful Consumption to discover how you can reduce your carbon footprint and for tips on how to live an eco-friendly lifestyle.

الشهر الذي فات كتبت مقال لموقع كوت. موقع جديد يمنح فرص تسوق الاكتروني و"سواليف" للمرأة العصرية، تحدياََ في العالم العربي. المقال .الذي كتبت عنه يتخصص في اهمية الاستهلاك بتفكير و كيف يمكنك بدا نمط حياة يساعدك على التقليل من بصمتك الكربونيه. هذا الموضوع جدا

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