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Hey, hey!

I'm Raoum, I love to move and make my own food. I currently live in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Where all kinds of dates exist, especially Sukkari dates.

I'm vegan and follow a whole foods plant-based lifestyle because it makes sense to me. I LOVE everything I eat and find myself drawn to healthy living but, I draw the line at being a health nut.

I try to make everything from scratch and buy only unpackaged ingredients to reduce my waste. I care for the environment and all beings on this planet. I find happiness in aligning with my values. Therefore, I do my best to live in a harmless, sustainable, and natural way.

I'm a yoga teacher who's certified in Plant-Based Nutrition. I practice yoga every day and lift weights on most days. I love being outdoors and dancing every now and then. 

Traveling, writing, reading, walking, creating videos, and cooking, are essential parts of my life. They bring me joy, feed my creativity, and enhance my personal growth. I have a big appreciation for art and try to find beauty in everything, but nothing beats the gracefulness and magnificence of nature.

I'm 25 years old, I started taking care of my health at 16 and always loved to move but I've had a long journey of experimenting and failing before I got to where I am today. I'm grateful to all the obstacles that came my way that led me to where I'm today and made me value my health & happiness.

I believe it's important to stay curious, learn, consume mindfully, and always, give back.

All the love,

Raoum x